
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Garden State

You get grave diggers, a motorcycle with side car, and silent velcro in this movie filmed in New Jersey. Zach Braff (best known as JD from TV's Scrubs) does an amazing job directing, writing, and starring in this quirky romantic comedy about a young man returning home for his mother's funeral after 9 years. He meets and reunites with some interesting and weird characters. Especially delightful is Natalie Portman's portrayal of Sam, the love interest. Alien really enjoyed this very funny, refreshing, and surprising off-beat comedy about dealing with the past, living the present, and figuring out the future. This movie is rated R for language, drug use, and sexual content.

Alien gives it 3 Zach Braff actor/writer/director stars out of 4.

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