
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

An Unfinished Life

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Welcome to Ishawooa, where the Sundance Kid/Horse Whisperer (Robert Redford) turns into a grumpy old man who has a wise old sidekick (Morgan Freeman) ala “Million Dollar Baby”. Their lives are disrupted when Redford’s daughter-in-law (Jennifer Lopez without the accent) and his granddaughter (Becca Gardner) arrive at his ranch unexpectedly. Not only is this movie is about abuse, blame, and a bear, but it is also about family, forgiveness, and facing your fears. The film is filled with great performances all around with the beautiful Wyoming countryside as its backdrop.

Alien gives it 3 “Tombstone Epitaph” stars out of 4.

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