
Thursday, February 16, 2006


It’s “Without a Trace” meets Rodney King in this psychological thriller. A distraught single white mother tells a story about her carjacking and missing 4 year old son while driving lost near a black housing project, setting off a police investigation and racial tensions. Samuel L. Jackson and Julianne Moore both give outstanding performances in a dark, gritty, and powerful film that searches for truths hidden amongst the stirred up emotions of its characters.

Alien gives it 2 ½ “not all is black and white” stars out of 4.

“Mystic River” meets Susan Smith. It’s obvious from the opening scene at the hospital that she and that her story it quite ‘white’ or not right, pick your choice. She is going to play the race card! Or I should say the director is going go play this game. What follows is a semi-mess of yelling by everyone, racial tension between blacks and the predominately white police force, and ranting by the distraught mother. Before I get too far ahead of myself, I should tell you the brief synopsis of the movie. A single white mother, Brenda (Julianne Moore) has her car high jacked when she takes a short cut between her white town and a poor black neighborhood. She describes her assailant as a black man to Detective Lorenzo (Samuel L. Jackson) and to exacerbate this situation her son was still in the car asleep when the highjacker quickly and forcefully threw her out the car and sped off. Can you smell what is cooking?

I found the plot boring at times, too predictable at others. It has promises but the movie just get bogged down with racial profiling, not enough character development for supporting roles, and too much time visiting the sick mind of the mother Brenda and I just can’t help but like Lorenzo Council (Samuel L. Jackson) as the detective. I have to give credit to Moore’s character. She did a great job making me think she is crazy.
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