
Friday, February 09, 2007

The Astronaut Farmer

They do things big in Texas. They even dream big. Charlie Farmer (Billy Bob Thornton) is determined to travel into space even if he has to build his own rocket to do it. As he pursues his dream, the government tries to stop him and most people do not take him seriously, but his family loves and supports him. This family feels so real. The story is terrific and the cast is great. The film is inspirational with lots of charm. It is good clean family fun in small town USA. Alien loved this eccentric dreamer, his two adorable daughters, and the two amusing FBI agents. The movie captures that same excitement as when Alan Shepard took his first flight into space. It is a blast.

Alien gives it 3 ½ “out-of-this-world dream” stars out of 4.


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