
Tuesday, June 05, 2007


This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Something will get under your skin at the Rustic Motel where none of the characters are likeable. Ashley Judd plays a lonely alcoholic/druggie/lesbo with an abusive ex. She meets a contagious paranoid schizophrenic with delusional tendencies. Despite two convincing performances as creepy crazies, this film is just too unpleasant and uncomfortable to watch without squirming in your seat. It starts up slow and plods along to the hot and naked end. If you believe in government conspiracy theories, you may enjoy some of this babble or you may be delusional too, but most of the audiences will just want their money back. It is rated “R” for drug use, violence, and nudity. The film’s best features are: set design using bug zappers, fly strips, plastic, and aluminum foil; and nude man moving all over the screen without exposing his privates.

Alien gives it ½ “what were you thinking, Ashley” stars out of 4.

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