
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rocket Science

Hal Hefner’s coming of age story is further complicated by his struggle with stuttering in this quirky indie comedy. Hal becomes infatuated when an attractive, fast-talking girl invites him to join the debate team. The film is well acted and Alien was drawn in by the characters. However, like a stutterer, the movie doesn’t seem to hit its stride. It does have some funny and charming moments, but by the end Alien felt frustrated and unsatisfied. This film is bittersweet and uncomfortable to watch because it captures the agony of this young boy’s dilemmas so well. Reality and realism make and break this film. Alien tried the like it, but couldn’t make a connection.

Alien gives it 1 ½ “Battle Hymn of the Republic” stars out of 4.

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