
Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Brothers Solomon

While Alien was busy dodging bullets, he sent his brave scout to check out a comedy about a pair of well-meaning, but socially inept brothers try to find their perfect mates in order to provide their dying father with a grandchild. Here is the report:

Well, how do I sum this one up? For starters I can’t remember the name of the movie the next day to save my life. The beginning credits were fun… For those of you who liked “Dumb and Dumber”, you’ll think this deserves an Oscar nomination. For the rest of us, save your dime and the two hours and use it to wash your car or clean your kitchen. I think I can sum up the whole movie in one word, uncomfortable. I found myself saying “what!” in disbelief about once every other line. The two lead characters are social and intellectual misfits to an extreme. Several people got up and walked out half way through. There may have been more but I was sitting rather close to the front so I only saw the people in my peripheral view that left. My viewing companion and I almost left as well and would have if the outside air hadn’t been chalked full of ash and smoke from wildfires. I’m still not sure if it was intentional, but toward the end of the film the picture went out and, for a portion of the film, we were just looking at a black screen and some garbled sound. There were some entertaining moments, but aside from that I’d say this one is not worth renting.

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