
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush reprise their roles in the 1998 movie “Elizabeth”. Blanchett gives her always reliable strong performance. She does regal justice to the amazing woman who led a country during dire times showing great strength, compassion, and command over her subjects. The film takes you into the royal court as well as behind the scenes. The sets are stunning and the costumes are magnificent. The movie involves a holy war, treachery, King Philip II, the Spanish Armada, Mary Queen of Scots, Sir Walter Raleigh, a love story, and an assassination attempt, but it moves at a painfully slow pace. It felt more like a very well dressed up 16th century English history lesson rather than a stimulating story about the powerful Queen of England. Unless you are intrigued by historical recounts, you may find this visually attractive film rather dull.

Alien gives it 2 “I’m so pretty” stars out of 4.

Many thanks to the good people at Metro PCS. For cell phone service, check them out at: http://www.metropcs.com/

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