
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chaos Theory

Ryan Reynolds plays the author of “The Five Minute Efficiency Trainer” whose life is quite orderly and precise as set by his “to do” lists, timetables, and white index cards. That is, until his wife tries to buy him more time by adjusting the clock and thus throwing his life into utter chaos. The audience seemed to be having a great time, but Alien just could connect with this film. At first, it seemed to be a comedy, but it didn’t appeal to my sense of humor. Then it shifted gears and became a drama about family, friendship, and forgiveness. Some would classify this movie as a chick flick, but I couldn’t sympathize with the characters to care what happens to them. Although Alien got lost in the chaos, maybe this film will appeal to your emotions.

Alien gives it 2 “random choices” stars out of 4.

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