
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Funny Games

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Alien sees no point in remaking this 1997 Austrian film by the same title and director, Michael Haneke. Sitting through this movie is sheer torture, for the film’s hostages as well as the audience. It is senseless and demented. The two young sociopaths are dull and disturbed. Lacking any musical score gives the film an empty uneasiness. This bad film gets even worse when one bad boy starts talking to the audience and it becomes unbelievable when an unorthodox remote control gimmick is employed. The audience will be as desperate as the victimized family to escape from these sadistic youths. Naomi Watts, what were you thinking when you decided to produce and star in this turkey. You must be hoping for a Razzie Award. So beware, if two overly polite boys wearing white cotton gloves come knocking at your door to borrow some eggs.

Alien gives is zero “broken eggs” stars out of 4.

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