
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Friday the 13th

First off, Alien has never seen any of those Jason movies, but I'm certain fans won't be able to resist this latest version of the series, number 12, I think. The end of the original movie starts off this teenage slasher film. Then five horny teens searching for weed stumble on to Camp Crystal Lake and start to get picked off one by one. Six weeks later, another seven rich horny teens arrive for more drinking and partying. Add one brother looking for a missing sister and you get 13 potential victims (all White with a token Black and Asian). It’s sex, drugs, and heads will roll as bare breasts are exposed to titillate and creative kills are produced to exhilarate. This Jason is kind of Rambo-ish as he hunts down his victims. Alien tallied up the body count to 13 as I tried to figure out who would survive, if any. If you like blood and gore and you like to be scared, you'll probably be entertained.

Alien gives it 3 "paraskavedekatriaphobia" stars out of 4.

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