
Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Box

The Box is one of the most peculiar movies that Alien has ever seen. The premise originates from a book and was made into a Twilight Zone episode, but this version takes us on a mysterious journey well off the beaten path. At the core of this movie is the box with a button delivered by a strange disfigured man who gives a couple the choice of pushing or not pushing the button. But there are always consequences and a million dollars and the death of someone they do not know. It is a big puzzle with creepy people, bloody noses, lots of water, but logic won’t help you get any satisfaction here. It is a moral dilemma about temptation and choosing wisely or you’ll suffer for your mistakes. This film is the polar opposite of "The Blind Side".

Alien gives it 2 "stuck between a rock and a hard place" stars out of 4.

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