
Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon (in 3D at the IMAX)

Yep, Alien went to see it again, but this time at the Esquire IMAX and mainly to compare the two 3D experiences. Refer to my original March 8, 2010 review.

It’s tough to beat the 6-story screen and 12,000 watts of digital surround sound at the IMAX. This film is still a winner and soars above most movies in the theaters now.

Alien misses the old sturdy 3D glasses that came in 3 sizes. Too many people walked off with those $40 babies and they were replaced with this flimsy gray over-sized one-size-fits-all type. They are cheap, easy to scratch, smudge, and snap in two. Someone complained they fogged up on them during the show.

Alien also tested a pair of RealD 3D glasses from the non-IMAX screening and they did NOT work at the IMAX screening. Alien also tested a paper pair from the UCDavis Centennial show at the 2008 California State Fair and they worked really well at the IMAX. I prefer those over the IMAX issued ones.

Bottom line: Not all 3D glasses are alike.

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