
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Saw 3D

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Jigsaw is back for a seventh stab at torturing your mind. Alien admits to only viewing #1 & #3, but still must admire the skills these evilly clever filmmakers have honed over the years of practice. Nevertheless, the sadistically cruel punishments portrayed are still hard to watch. If you haven’t seen the previous "Saw" films, the characters’ true significances may be harder to figure out, but it won’t matter much because most will die anyway. Fans of the series will just love it. Expect the usual twists and turns. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, these films are interconnected and each reveals a little more of the bigger picture in this gruesome game of survival.

Alien gives it 2 ½ "surprises, choices, and sacrifices" stars out of 4.

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