
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Mars Needs Moms

The Martian civilization has taken a wrong turn; so now it needs to abduct earth mothers to raise their hatchlings. This is a basic rescue story where the kid adventures out to save his mom with a little help from some friends, Gribble and a flower-power talking Martian tagger. This is not necessarily a bad film, but it is a Disney disappointment considering their usual high standards. Mars’ darker and monochromatic tones don’t help the 3D effects. If your little ones are easily frighten by peril, you may want to rethink this movie choice. Alien does not believe this will become a Disney classic to be cherished for generations. In the end, this movie is all about the love of the family unit.

Alien gives it 2 "nanny-bot" stars out of 4.

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