
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

Based on a graphic novel, it's Jason Bourne meets "Outlander" meets "War of the Worlds" in the Wild, (Olivia) Wilde West. An amnesiactic outlaw (Daniel Craig) and a tough s.o.b. (Harrison Ford) team up and lead a posse on a search and rescue mission in this story of redemption. Director Jon Favreau takes the classic Western genre and puts a Sci-Fi twist to it. If you love these genres, you'll have a marvelous time at the movies. Craig and Ford are outstanding and supported by a terrific colorful cast of characters. The demons from space are just what you want for your terrifying villains. They are fast, powerful, and deadly. Yippy kai-yay.

Alien gives it 3 ½ "beware when the bracelet blaster blinks" stars out of 4.

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