
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Final Destination 5 (3D)

There is nothing final in this movie series about how you can't cheat death. Alien knows he has seen one of the previous film. He's just not sure which one, but it doesn't really matter because they are all the same. In the latest film, a premonition seems to spare 8 people, headed for an office retreat, from certain disaster; only to fall victim to some freakish accidents later. This may sound repetitiously boring, but it's not because each "accident" is set up to keep you guessing exactly when and how it is going to happen. Each one is spectacularly heighten with 3D grizzly gore goodness. Audiences will groan with glee at each one. It's not a great film by any means; it's just a fun guilty pleasure for some.

Alien gives it 3 "wrinkle in reality" stars out of 4.

Final Destination 5 (Revisited)

Alien has just viewed an over night marathon of all five films and now I get this homage to the original and its successors. Be sure to watch the first film if you want to fully appreciate number five. This latest release is the best of the bunch. Parts are the earlier films are laughable which was extremely evident by the annoying audience who were constantly talking to the screen and making rude comments. This kind of killed the experience that those filmmakers were trying to convey.

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