
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Vow

It's "Samantha Who" meets "Love Story" when a gorgeous gal (Rachel McAdams) and a hunky hunk (Channing Tatum) meet, fall in love, marry, and then tragedy strikes and memories are lost. He is such a sweetheart trying to win her love back. She is always adorable, even with a head injury. She tries to figure out who she is as her past and present compete for her affections. This inspired-by-true-events (family revealed in credits) lost love story is a classic chick flick for romantics, people in love, and those who are looking for love. Alien thinks this is the perfect pick for a Valentines Day dinner-and-a-movie date.

Alien gives it 3 ½ "moments of impact" stars out of 4.

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