
Thursday, February 09, 2012

21 Jump Street

It's "Superbad" meets "Starsky and Hutch" as Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum try to re-invent that TV show premise. Two rookie cops go undercover back to high school in an attempt to bust a drug ring, except this version is just played strictly for laughs. Gross out humor, raunchy jokes, drug use, F-bombs, and inappropriate behavior drive this buddy/cop vehicle spoofing for laughs. If you roll back your brain to a high school mentality, you'll have a blast. Look for a cameo surprise. At the time of this screening, the film was unrated, but Alien can see how it could get away with anything less than an "R" if untouched.

Alien gives it 3 "dumb and dumber in blue and back in school" stars out of 4.

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