
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Safe House

In the Safe House, the House Keeper (Ryan Reynolds) is responsible to take care of the House Guest (Denzel Washington), but the place is crashed and he may have trouble with the Landlord. It's the spy thriller that Alien hoped "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" would have been. The bumper car chase through the streets of Capetown and the close quarters hand-to-hand combat scenes feel like a Jason Bourne film and there is a "Ghost Protocol resemblance. Washington and Reynolds are perfectly casted in these roles. Washington is a good bad guy and Reynolds is a rookie having a very bad day. It's is a tremendous thrill ride that will stun you over and over and will make you suspicious of everyone.

Alien gives it 3 ½ "gone rogue" stars out of 4.

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