
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Avengers (3D)

It's "War of the Worlds" meets "Transformers" when Loki causes havoc and triggers the Avengers Initiative. Spectacular special effects with 3D enhancements add to the kick-ass action and the Marvel-ous sense of humor. The movie brings out the unique personalities of each character. The superb script manages to focus on each individual's skill sets while supporting the adage that there is no "I" in "TEAM". Marvel and non-Marvel Comic fans will want to see this action-packed fun film more than once. Stay for the credits to see what might be the next challenge for this superhero team. This movie makes Marvel magic explode off the screen. Suit up, this one is for Phil.

Alien gives it 4 "glow stick of destiny" stars out of 4.

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