
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

That's My Boy

A son (Adam Samberg) tries to hide his past and Dad (Adam Sandler) from his friends, bride-to-be, future in-laws, and boss. This Happy Madison Production lives up to everything Alien expected. While the audience kept responding with roars of laughter, the jokes and gags are mainly of the rude, crude, and lewd variety revolving around an inappropriate student/teacher relationship, masturbation, strip clubs, sexual acts, and bathroom humor. It is a predictable plot with some surprising cameos. Sandler does his usual stupid/sick shtick amongst some familiar SNL character portrayals. Sandler fans will just love his "R" rated raunchy hijinks. Non fans should know better and stay away. It's dumb entertainment for the brain dead appealing to one's basest nature.

Alien gives it 1 ½ "dirty boy with a heavy handed beer bottle" stars out of 4.

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