
Monday, December 16, 2013

Grudge Match

It's Rocky Balboa, the Italian Stallion, vs Jake LaMotta, the Raging Bull, in a movie match up over 3 decades in the making. Aging actors, Stallone & De Niro, take their best shot at exploiting their previous fight film performances, playing it for laughs, and throwing insult jabs at each other. Expect some funny scene stealing attempts from Alan Arkin, Kevin Hart, and the kid that plays the grandson. Then toss into the ring the beautiful Kim Basinger and a blindsiding twist for some heart-warming moments. The movie is not a main event but it lives up to the promotional hype of a novelty bout. During the credits, look for a surprise clip attempting to line up another classic rematch that boxing fans would pay to see.

Alien gives it 3 "Grudgement Day & Butterscotch Jellybeans" stars out of 4.

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