
Monday, August 11, 2014

The Giver

It's a thinking man's "Divergent" in another dystopia where Elders (like Meryl Streep) control the people through the sameness of a colorless & emotionless society following strict rules. When the children come of age, they are assigned their life's job. One special kid, Josh, has been selected to become the Receiver of Memories from the Giver (Jeff Bridges). Of course, as Josh learns the truths withheld from the people, he is compelled to upset the status quo to their "ideal" world. Although Alien liked the premise and the techniques to convey it, those same effects in the long run work against holding my interest in this slow moving plot through to the anti-climatic end. You may be better off reading this children's book because this looks like it may have been better on paper. Katie Holmes and Taylor Swift also co-star. Perhaps the 75 minute red carpet event intro on east coast tape delay wore me out for this 100 minute movie.

Alien gives it 2 "will the truth set you free" stars out of 4.

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