Monday, March 23, 2015
Get Hard
Millionaire businessman (Will Ferrell) is convicted of fraud & faces doing 10 years in San Quentin. Desperate to survive prison life, he hires his car wash guy (Kevin Hart) who he thinks has "street creds" & prison experience. Ferrell & Hart are pretty much as you expect from their previous performances. Whether you like it or not, Ferrell has pretty much perfected his complete idiot role applicable to any film & seems to always insist on invoking his full nudity clause. Hart reprises his fast talking con man act. If you can get past the "R" rated language & raunch, it has its moments and Alien found it a bit better than he expected. The film dares to exploit stereotypes for its humor.
Alien gives it 2 ½ "Mayo and Chock-o-lot" stars out of 4.
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