
Monday, April 06, 2015

Woman in Gold

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

This true story about art restitution and the painting "Woman in Gold", the Mona Lisa of Austria, becomes personal when Maria Altmann (Helen Mirren) hires Randol Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds) to help her reclaim some of the family's possessions stolen by the Nazis and questionably held in an Austrian state gallery. Mirren gives another stunning performance. She plays a feisty Jewish survivor scarred by the German occupation. Reynolds is her perfect partner as the young lawyer with a common ancestry and a never-say-quit determination. If you like underdog stories, you might want to check out this wonderful film. The movie is told in part through flashbacks with the where-are-they-now summaries at the end.

Alien gives it 3 "seeking peace & justice" stars out of 4.

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