
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Eye In The Sky

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released. 

Whether it is an eye in the sky or a bug in the room, British & American military forces employ high tech measures to track, capture, and/or eliminate terrorist targets even in friendly places like Nairobi, Kenya. Helen Mirren, the late great Alan Rickman, & Aaron Paul hold key positions in this slow moving but intense drama on the legal, political, & military decision making process to evoke a drone air strike. Just a handful of people sitting in small rooms all around the world are debating & deferring the issue of whether to pull the trigger or not, as the clock keeps ticking. The film begs the question: What is the price of war? Are you a dove or a hawk? Could you, should you, would you pull that trigger? Could you live with your decision? The next time you hear about a drone air strike or a suicide bombing, think about it.

Alien gives it 3 "acceptable collateral damage" stars out of 4.

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