
Monday, August 22, 2016

War Dogs

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

A pot smoking college dropout/massage therapist/bed linen entrepreneur (Miles Teller) partners with his old high school buddy (Jonah Hill) to become war dogs aka arms dealers aka gun runners in this drama/dark comedy based on a true story. These two twenty-something year olds manage to win a huge US government contact through some shady deals & operations but find themselves over their heads as theirs plans continue to go sour due to their inexperience.  Hill is impressive as the obnoxious schemer driven by greed. Bradley Cooper has a small but key role in this fascinating story about multi-million dollar weapons deals taking these ambitious guys from Miami to Jordan to Baghdad & eventually to Albania.

Alien gives it 3 "AEY Inc" stars out of 4.

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