
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Assassin's Creed

This is not a sneak preview. This film has released.

 In 1492, 
Faithful to their creed, 
Assassins are true.

Based on a video game, the Knights of Templar have been in a never ending battle with the Assassins since the days of the Spanish Inquisition. In present day, a father/daughter (Jeremy Irons & Marion Cotillard) team run a research experiment in DNA memory regression on a Texas death row victim (Michael Fassbender) connecting him to his ancestor in order to recover a sacred object. If you like people in hoodies with blades hidden in their sleeves who run along roof tops & dive off of high places, you may be highly entertained by the elaborately choreographed kickass fight & chase scenes in old Spain. However, half the film occurs in the present, mainly to explain what's happening because only Spanish (with English subtitles) is spoken in the past. Filmmakers seem to focus more on the spectacular special effects & thrilling action scenes to attract those young gamers than worrying about their predictable script. It seems odd to find Fassbender, Irons, & Cotillard in this film genre, although Fassbender is a producer.
Alien gives it 2½ "Apple of Eden" stars out of 4.

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