
Tuesday, December 20, 2016


This is Jackie Kennedy's story about her dark times following that tragic day in Dallas as contrasted against her TV special, the White House Tour. Natalie Portman marvelously captures style & strength of the former First Lady as she struggles with her pain, anger, & sorrow. This sad & solemn film is more enlightenment than entertainment. It's about how Jackie controlled her interview with a reporter recounting the key events surrounding the assassination, the procession, & the funeral. For those squeamish about blood & guts, it's best to look away at the fatal moment that takes the life of the President. Portman is tremendous as we get an insight to the state of mind & personality of the iconic Jackie during the final days of Camelot. This is a pseudo-documentary style platform showcasing Portman's powerful performance. Those whose didn't experience that November 22, 1963 event first hand may have a harder time to relate to this tragic event.

Alien gives it 2 "I never wanted to be famous, I just married a Kennedy" stars out of 4.

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