
Monday, February 20, 2017

Get Out

Chris & Rosie are boyfriend/girlfriend. He is black & she is white. She is taking him home to meet her parents (Bradley Whitford & Catherine Keener) for the first time. Once there, things get weird, eerie, & creepy in this seemingly "Stepford" town. But is it too late to escape? The very effective trailer for "Get Out" may give the impression this is a horror flick but actually I would put it more in the thriller genre. Very convincing character performances will keep audiences squirming in their seats as the secrets of this affluent white community are slowly revealed. Issues of racism are at the heart of this film. This easily dismissed movie may just surprise you, so give it a try. Sometimes, crazy people are scarier than any fictitious supernatural entities.

Alien gives it 3½ "your sunken place" stars out of 4.  

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