
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Table 19

At a wedding reception, Table 19 is where you seat all of all those odd balls that don't quite fit in at any of your other table groupings; you know, the ones you expected to check the "regretfully decline" box. Eloise (Anna Kendrick) is one of the bride's oldest friends, the ex-maid of honor, & the bride's brother's ex-girlfriend. Now she is stuck at Table 19 with a cast of crazy characters (including Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson, & June Squibb). It's just moderately funny with sight gags, clumsiness, & prat falls for Some of it's attempts at humor until things take an unexpected turn in the middle. This film seems to lack the chemistry & energy to make it a truly fun party. Nothing to celebrate here; it is just your typical silly rom-com.

Alien gives it 2 "seated with the undesirables" stars out of 4.

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