
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Rough Night

It's "Bridemaids" meets "Weekend at Bernie's" when college freshmen besties (Scarlett Johansson, Jillian Bell, Ilana Glazer, & Zoe Kravitz) & an Australian bestie (Kate McKinnon) of the bride-to-be reunite 10 years later in Miami for a wild bachelorette party weekend. Cocaine & alcohol, a case of mistaken identity, a male stripper, & a terrible accident lead to a comedy of errors as these party girls misguidedly try to cover up their tragedy. This is a R-rated dark comedy based on that raunch factor but it tries too hard & it doesn't pay off. Bell tries to be that funny character usually played by Melissa McCarthy but she can't pull it off as well. Ty Burrel & Demi Moore only have bit parts as swinging neighbors of the girls' rented beach house. Though it has its funny moments, it still feels like an extended SNL skit drawn out way too long. But I'm a guy & this is a female written, directed, & acted project so maybe I just don't get it. Look for a mid-credit clip & a final clip at the end of the credits explaining one last unsolved mystery.

Alien gives it 2½ "get me a tampon" stars out of 4.

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