
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Forever My Girl

Cute guy, pretty girl, wedding scene, hit single, first mistake, concert tour, funeral scene, shunned bad boy,  precocious little girl, bonding time, celebrity treatment, near tragic incident, second mistake, the big realization, talent show/concert, the end. It's predictable love lost & love found romantic chick flick escapism written & directed by women for women. It feels & looks like a Nicholas Sparks film, but it's not. The 7-year-old girl Billy is more of a gimmick just being totally adorable & uttering memorable lines than representing a realistic kid, but who cares. Set in Louisiana, it's a Southern accent twang with a country music soundtrack. It screams girls night out and/or date night flick. There are no real surprises here as this love story unwinds to answer big question of why that was set up at the beginning.

Alien gives it 3 "forgiveness" stars out of 4.

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