
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I️ Feel Pretty

It’s introspective “Shallow Hal” without the visual transformation when insecure overweight Renee (Amy Schumer) bumps her head during a spin class. After her head trauma, she sees herself different & becomes very self confident. This is a romantic comedy with a humorous social commentary America’s obsession with beauty & being model skinny. Schumer has the ability to pull off this act. Michelle Williams also costars as one of the model perfect stereotypes. You have never seen like this before  & you may have to do a double take to realize it is her. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder & through true confidence your inner beauty will shine is the message here. Depending on your sense of humor & your attitude towards fat shaming, you might like this “Fat Amy Show” either more or less.

Alien give it 2½ “Lily Le Claire” stars out of 4.

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