
Saturday, June 02, 2018

Action Point

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

It’s “Bad Grandpa” C.D. (Johnny Knoxville) telling his granddaughter about the early days (circa 1982) when he & her mom struggled to keep their small time amusement park, Action Point, afloat among some stiff competition from a new corporate built competitor. Based on a real New Jersey park situation, the younger C.D. comes up with an “Jackass” of an idea to attract visitors: to make his rides more exciting by removing the brakes on his rides (safety features). Knoxville actually bravely performs his own idiotic stunts in the film. Even though there is a father/daughter relationship in the sub-story, this is still a pretty lame moronic film unless you get great enjoyment from others suffering from possible physical trauma.

Alien gives it 1 “stupid is as stupid does” star out of 4.

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