
Saturday, June 09, 2018

First Reformed

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Ethan Hawke plays an ill, alcoholic pastor Toller of the First Reformed Church with a small & a diminishing congregation. This is contrasted by a mega Abundant Life Church. Amanda Seyfried plays a pregnant wife of a radical environmental activist who seeks help from Reverend Toller. This is such a slow moving plot filled with many mundane seemingly meaningless actions that one could easily be lulled to sleep. The story brings up many issues including abortion, environmental polluting, suicide, grieving. I feel this is meant to be a thought provoking film but I️ somehow could get on the same wave length & losing faith. Although well made & acted, one may be just left with feeling of despair & confusion. Am I️ not religious enough to get it or is this an example of the Emperor’s New Clothes? This was not entertaining for me. You’ll just have to see it & judge it for yourself if your are curious enough about this one.

Alien gives it 1 “barbed wire & drano” star out of 4.

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