
Friday, June 15, 2018


This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

Based on a true story reported in the Wall Street Journal, five highly competitive childhood buddies continue their annual game of tag well into their adult lives. With the threat of their only never-been-tagged player possibly quitting the game, the rest go all out go to prevent this perfect record. Jeremy Renner, Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, & Hannibal Buress are the tag players with Isla Fisher, Annabelle Wallis, & Rashida Jones rounding out the crowd. It’s hilarious horseplay as these grown men go way over the top to reach their targets. Some of these outrageous stunts feel totally made up until you see footage of how the real 10 players had played this game that kept them close & connected for nearly 25 years.

Alien gives it 3 “wedding bell hijinks” stars out of 4.

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