
Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Beautiful Boy

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

A freelance writer David Sheff (Steve Carell) struggles to rehab his drug addicted son Nic (Timothée Chalamet). This powerful film explores the many aspects of drug addiction as it pertains to the user, the family, & others around them. Carell & Chalamet give exceptional performances. Maura Tierney & Amy Ryan round out the cast as wife/stepmother & ex-wife/mother. Audiences will feel the pain, the suffering, & the sense of helplessness being endured. To what ends does a parent have to go to save their child. This based on a true story film with keep you in suspense wondering will the conclusion be bittersweet, tragic, & redeeming.

Alien gives it 3½ “the 3 C’s, Cause, Control, & Cure” stars out of 4.

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