
Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Favourite

This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

It’s early 18th century England with an unhealthy Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) who rules through her dear friend Lady Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz). When a new servant Abigail Masham (Emma Stone) arrives, a rivalry develops & the balance of power shifts to the new favorite. Colman, Weiss, & Stone are all terrific. The “Mean Girls” maneuvers for the affections of the Queen are delightful. This drama/comedy period piece looks amazing but the film’s pace is slow & the chamber music background can lull you to sleep. It just needed more than this cat fight to make this true story film more entertaining.

Alien gives it 2½ “chambermaid” stars out of 4.

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