
Monday, September 02, 2019


This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

A model student’s behavior is questioned when a teacher becomes suspicious after reading his written report assignment & searching his locker for contraband. This is a complex, dark, & disturbing story involving racism, prejudice, stereotyping, tokenism, & deception through lying or omission. Tim Roth & Naomi Watts are marvelous as the devoted & caring parents of Luce (Kelvin’s in Harrison Jr), their adopted son from a war-torn African country. Octavia Spenser plays the concerned teacher. It’s a unsettling, thought-provoking film as the mystery slowly evolves, the suspense starts to build, & doubt begins to cloud suspicions. What are students’ rights to privacy? Do you judge good students & bad students differently? Should you trust a person or are you being deceived? It’s unconditional love versus the search for truth. Is Luce guilty of something or just a victim of circumstances?

Alien gives it 3 “whose side are you on?” stars out of 4.

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