
Tuesday, November 19, 2019


This is not a sneak preview. This film has already released.

The destitute unemployed Kim family (father, mother, 20-ish daughter, & teenage son) live in a cramp basement apartment in some South Korean slum. With skills of deceit, they manage to worm their way into the home of the affluent Park family (father, mother, teenage daughter, & young son) as an English tutor, art therapist, chauffeur, & housekeeper. The gullible Park family have no idea their new employees are related. This is a highly entertaining black comedy that tips towards the horror spectrum as the movie progresses. Great characters, a terrific script, & a fabulous looking house will keep your eyes glued to the screen. The scenes start out slyly funny as it contrasts the rich versus the poor. Watch as greed takes over. There is a surprise turn of events as the situation turns very dark. At first, I️ was apprehensive about reading the subtitles for this Korean film, but it wasn’t  bad at all.

Alien gives it 3½ “Morse code” stars out of 4.

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