
Friday, November 22, 2019

Queen & Slim

A couple’s (Daniel Kaluuya & Jodie Turner-Smith) first date takes a tragic turn when a minor traffic infraction escalates into gunfire & the death of a policeman. Feeling they have no other choice, these two now unwitting outlaws decide to make a run for it. However, one thing after another seems to go wrong as they make their escape. As the patrol car dash cam video goes viral, they become kind of like modern day Bonnie & Clyde famous. With a runtime of 2 hours 12 minutes, it’s a painfully slow budding romance between strangers on the run through the backroads of America. This film may not be for everyone because it’s a statement racism & being unfairly victimized. Kaluuya & Turner-Smith are terrific in their performances.

Alien gives it 2½ “an internet sensation” stars out of 4.

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