Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Escape Plan: The Extractors
This is a direct-to-video sequel of the 2013 Escape Plan. Security expert Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stallone) & company are back in revenge story about rescuing kidnapped victims. It’s a predictable plot with stereotypical character types. Stallone is the obvious hero. Asian woman is the damsel in distress. Two Asian men are onboard for their martial arts fighting skills. Dave Bautista in the big tough silent guy with explosive firepower filling in for the Schwarzenegger type. Then there is the bland bad guy & his henchmen. This can be a fun watch if you like this genre for the action but some things just don’t make sense. Why does this old abandoned Russian prison have these huge sewer tunnels under it that you can drive a car through? I️ never saw the second edition to this trilogy? Hidden in the middle of the credits is a reveal about one of the characters.
Alien gives it 2 “Devil’s Station” stars out of 4.