
Saturday, September 11, 2021


In 1993, a patient referred to as Gabriel kills several staff members at a research hospital & must be sedated. Jump forward 28 years, an abusive husband Derek & his pregnant wife Madison (Annabelle Wallis) appear to be attacked, leaving him dead & her in the hospital. What is the connection between these 2 events? As more grizzly homicides occur, Madison starts to have visions of these killings. Two cops are trying connect these murders. Madison’s sister Sidney (Maddie Hasson) tries to help. The slow beginning is used to build suspense while unraveling the clues a little at a time. When the bizarre crux to the plot is revealed, the crazy action ramps up to an unbelievable level. This one is different. You’ll probably either love it (you were scared) or hated it (thought it was stupid) with no in between.

Alien gives it 2 “sibling” stars out of 4.

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