
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Blue Bayou

An adopted Korean, Antonio LeBlanc (Justin Chon), struggles to provide for his pregnant wife, Kathy (Alicia Vikander), & her daughter, Jessie. He is a tattoo artist trying to hustle up some additional income due to having an extra mouth to feed soon. Antonio is threatened with deportation after a run in with 2 police officers, one of which is Kathy’s ex & Jessie’s absentee father. This is a really sad tearjerker as bad seems to go to worse as the story unfolds. This one is about family, the parent/child bond, & roots. Chon also produced, wrote, & directed this film. Swedish Vikander surprised me with her southern drawl & her singing of “Blue Bayou”. Photos of several child adoptees who were deported or facing deportation are shown at the end.

Alien gives it 3 “water lily” stars out of 4.

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