
Monday, January 30, 2023

Infinity Pool

Novelist James Foster (Alexander Skarsgärd) & his wife Em are on vacation at luxury resort compound in a strange foreign country. He meets a seductive lady who claims to be a fan, Gabi (Mia Goth) & ends up involved in a tragic accident killing a local citizen. The authorities come to arrest him & local zero tolerance law requires his execution. Except this is a quirky sci-fi fantasy where he can pay for an exact clone to be executed in his place. From here, this nightmare grows weirder as James & his new “friends” explore alcohol & drugs and get high on getting away with murder. This movie is unsettling & disturbing with mean spirited overtones. Look for blood & gore as well as gratuitous nudity scenes for cheap shock value. This is an unpleasant watch as the victim tries to figure out who he really is. It’s a sadistic look at some miscreants & their plaything who must have mommy issues. There is a unexpected scene near the end that can’t be unseen & sure to be talked about.

Alien gives it 2 “no consequences” stars out of 4.

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