
Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Quiet Place: Day 1

This is the third film of the horror series inspired by actor/writer/director John Krasinski about an alien invasion that has terrorized the world. These mysterious creatures apparently hunt by sound. Not much has been revealed about these invaders in the first two film. This prequel takes us back to the first day of the invasion. With the bribe of pizza, this female hospice patient (Lupita Nyong’o) goes on a day trip to Manhattan with other patients to see a marionette show. But a sudden evacuation order cuts their city adventure short. It becomes terror in the big city as this lady with her “service animal” cat along with the entire NYC population tries to flee for their lives. It’s sudden jump scares as any slight sound can trigger alien attacks that can happen lightning fast. The cat is the perfect pet traveling companion being so quiet & stealthy. The silence & whispering play into the suspense & drama as deadly creature responses could be triggered at any moment. See how these survivors play it smart trying to avoid detection. One of the the great features of this horror tale is that not that much is ever revealed about these invaders. Why are they here? They are fast & mysterious. They have super sensitive hearing, but can they see; are they blind? Do these beings have any weaknesses? Imagine that you are so frightened that you want to scream, but you don’t dare. Who will survive to breathe for another day? Will there be another spinoff to tell more of this frightening tale. 

Alien gives it 3 ”pizza & a show“ stars out of 4.

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