
Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Stand-up comedian Max (Bobby Cannavale) living with his father, Stan (Robert De Niro), struggles to co-parent his autistic son Ezra (William A. Fitzgerald) with his ex-wife, Jenna (Rose Byrne). At school one day, Ezra was being so disruptive to his class that the social worker & the principal recommended that Ezra be removed & put into a special school. When Ezra wandered off alone late one night in his pjs & bare foot, he gets injured & doctors recommend some special medications for Ezra. Max disagrees & becomes upset over these new issues. A desperate Max finally takes matters into his own hands & ends up on a cross-country road trip. This story is inspired by the real life experiences of a father & his autistic son. This is a realistic emotional thrill ride, heartbreaking & heartwarming. It is a close up look at dealing with an autistic child. What is best for an autistic child? Cannavale, Byrne, & De Niro are outstanding pouring their hearts out in this struggle about relationships & love. Fitzgerald gives an amazing performance too. Whoopi Goldberg, Rainn Wilson, & Vera Farmiga are among the supporting cast.

Alien gives it 3½ “New Jersey to Hollywood” stars out of 4.

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