
Sunday, June 02, 2024


It’s “Arachnophobia” meets “Alien” meets “Home Alone” when 12-year-old Charolette captures what she thinks is an ordinary spider. It was a dark & stormy night when a tiny object smashed into a rundown apartment building. The curious Charolette, who has habit of crawling through her building’s duct work, wants to study her new find so she puts it in a jar, feeds it, & names it Sting. Unexpectedly, it grows at an alarming rate, escapes, & begins feeding on the apartment cohabitants. When her family goes missing, she weaponizes & begins her search & rescue mission. This sci-fi horror thriller almost feels like a very dark black comedy. It’s quirky scary. Near the end is a possible hint of what could be next. During the mid credits, there is a final word from grandma.

Alien gives it 3 “mothball water” stars out of 4.

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